Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life in a crooked (career) path

My sky-high enthusiasm and optimism three years ago pales in comparison for what I feel for today. Although it didn't die down but it eventually nose dive to near depression and frustration. However, I am still profoundly thankful. I tremendously learned the lessons that life offers. I thought of a free sailing life but I was wrong. I was devastated for a number of reasons. I caught in a wave of disarray, mismanagement, and the likes that able to strike and shake the very fragile ship. But I was able to withstand.

Sometimes you end up dead tired planning for your career because you are bombarded with so many frustrations and failures. No matter how you persevere and patiently wait for the good things to come but still it end up in nothing. I still fervently hope and continue to believe that one day my dormant career will be able to wake up from its deep slumber.

Life offers a never ending opportunities and I am still in the quest to get my share. Patience and resilience are my arsenals and I know one day I can savor the prize that is due for me. I regret about wasting my precious time for nothing but I never regret the time when I decided to embrace my present profession.

Being a nurse may not be as financially rewarding compared to other profession. It may be one of the most stressful and demanding jobs in the world but indeed it is one of the noblest. We may share a crooked and cramped path for now looking for our keys but certainly one day we can all open the floodgates of success!

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